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  • 这次丹哥真心非常具体的讲解了如何操作
  • 重要的是他揭开了这个减肥法的面纱,人家可是师出名门哦
  • 还解释了其中原理,说出了此法的原身是勇士饮食法,英文名《the warriors diet》国外还有专门的书籍介绍。
  • 认真看了一些国外的资讯和评论,此法在国外还真有很多拥趸,很多人采用此法获得了非常神奇的效果。



What is the fastest way to lose fat (don’t care if it’s unethical)?


I’m to apoolparty in two weeks and everyone there is very thin. I don’t feel comfortableswimming like this so I need to lose weight fast. I don’t mind making myselfthrow up of starving myself, I just need to lose weight in the fastest waypossible.




How to lose weight, guaranteed.


Simply follow the instructions. That took less than 4 months, I lost round 100lbs.



(My before & after pictures)


Now I’m sure you’d like to hear me ramble on about the journey. Really you’re here to see how I did it. To cut the fat out of this post, here’s the meat:



Step 1: Drinkone liter of water right when you wake up. If you’re below 160 lbs drink less.


Step 2: Takeomega 3’s like fish oil caps or chia seed (no more than 60 calories).


瘦龙评:卡路里我也不会算,我没有算过,不要问我,自行薄荷吧,我只知道奇亚籽在欧美被称为减肥神器 super food,但是国内一直是被禁止公开销售的,某宝貌似有售。

Step 3: Two hours after waking drink one more liter of water. If you’re below 160 lbs drinkless.


Step 4: One hour after waking, drink one cup of coffee or tea (no sugar, very lightcream/butter if you want).



Step 5: Six to seven hours after waking drink 25 g protein shake (lowcarb) and one liter of water.


Step 6: Twohours after first shake drink another 25 g protein shake (low carb).


Step 7: 30minutes to one hour after my second shake, I workout and drink one liter of water during the workout.



Step 8: Right after my workout, I drink a 50 g protein shake and 15 minutes after that I have100–150 g of carbs via dextrose powder (I eat Twinkies, cookies, donuts, etc.).To elaborate more so you’re not freaking out, after an intense workout, your bodies muscle glycogen is depleted. Carbs are what replenish glycogen and fastacting carbs are what we need to taxi the protein and the carbs to the musclesas quickly as possible. Fast acting carbs with low fat absorb very quickly andspike insulin greatly. I explain why this is important and I break downeverything to do with insulin here: DanHensley’s answer to Why do I always feel hungry when I am so overweight?


Step 9: One hour after my workout I’ll have my big solid meal, (whatever I want as long as it has a good amount of protein).


Yes, that is me eating a bazillion calorie,Dan… I mean, family sized calzone.



Step 10: How important is a protein to your overallfitness? I’ve experimented with low protein intake (.4-.6 g per lb of lean bodymass) and higher (1–1.5 g per lb of LBM), and I like to keep it at the higherend for both cutting and bulking, but for bulking you can get a little lesssince you’re in a caloric surplus… but that’s another post for another time. Bythis time I’ve consumed 100 g of protein via shake and 40–60ish grams of proteinvia solid meal (depending on the meal). I make up the other 70 grams via shake,chicken breast, tuna, low-calorie protein sources because I’m never reallyhungry at this time because I’m so full still from the big solid meal. Thepoint is, no need to eat unnecessary calories for the food we’re not reallygoing to enjoy, so I prefer shakes with a chicken breast before bed. Make sureto consume at least .5–1 g of protein per body pound.



Summary:  小结:

In summary, we’re doing intermittent fastingcombined with a liquid diet for the first half of the day. We’re going low carbbefore our workout to keep our insulin levels very low. Insulin is anabolic,meaning it helps both fat and muscle grow. After a tough workout, spiking ourinsulin will make our body anabolic when it needs it the most to build muscle.Basically, no fat will be made during this time and the insulin will mostlyboost just muscle growth when timed right. Since our body is so insulinsensitive by keeping our blood sugar low all day, on top of just working out which makes us,even more, insulin sensitive.


What we get is a super insulin spike post workout which will really spur our muscle growth. When insulin levels are very low,human growth hormone is produced the most. HgH helps burn fat and build muscle.Keeping our insulin low all day, then doing strength training produces themaximum amount of HgH when combined with intermittent fasting. The benefits ofintermittent fasting would take a whole article in itself, but here are somekey points.


1,Fasting regulates hormones in our body.,

2,When the body is in a fasted state, our natural HgH production is raised by up to 1,000%.,

3,Easier to maintain caloric deficit while eating what we want.

4,Makes us insulin sensitive.,





There you go, 10 steps. I usually charge for this information, but I felt that it would reach way more people if I just give it away. Follow these 10 steps and you will lose the weight.



Drink at least 3–6liters of water a day depending on your size. Gauge your water intake, see what works best for you. The more water you can handle the better. I personallydrink 6–9 liters a day usually. I’ve found we can handle much more water thanwe think. I recommend drinking no more than 1 liter every two hours. Once aweek, go lower water for the day, around 1.5–2 liters. This helps the body usethe water more efficiently.


Drink at least 2liters of water before your first shake.


Take a multivitamindaily.


I take creatinedaily (optional).


I workout 4–5x perweek doing abs as a second daily workout at night.


If the goal is toburn fat then you’ll need to be at a caloric deficit (burning 500 calories morethan you are taking in). Example: If my total calories burned for the day is 2,500 calories then I would have to eat 2,000 calories to be at a deficit andburn fat/lose weight. Consistency is key for both building muscle and burning fat. For burning fat I recommend staying in a deficit for 6 days straight, then on the 7th day have a re-feed. In a deficit, your metabolism will slow down sothe importance of the re-feed is to boost metabolism to keep the fat burningstage as high as can be. Staying in a deficit for too long without properre-feeds will put a halt on the fat burning process, making it harder to loseweight and keep progressing. On re-feed days you want to take in 100% morecarbohydrates (so if your carbs are set at 150 g’s per day for 6 days, you’lltake in 300 g’s of carbs on the 7th day), which will increase your caloricintake, putting you in a surplus for that day.


Build up to thisguide… If you can only wait until 2 hours after you wake up to eat, then dothat. Let your end goal be my plan, but until then build up to it. Baby stepsare nothing to be ashamed of.


Macros and flexible dieting: 主要营养素和灵活的饮食法

When it comes to macros, there are no “good”or “bad” foods. The only difference is the quality of the food. Chicken and rice are better for us than chicken and a donut. But if the macros of the donut and rice are equivalent to one another, then it’s fair game and we can stay on track.


Example: If 1 cup of white rice is 50 grams of carbs and 1 donut is 50 grams of carbs, then the macro-nutrients are the same and you can eat either or; because our bodies only respond to protein,fats, carbs, and calories. It doesn’t know we replaced our rice for a donut of equal value.


Macro-nutrients are proteins, fats, and carbs. Every food has macro-nutrients, whether it be donuts, chicken,chocolate, potatoes, etc…


Macros is a number system:主要营养是一个数字系统:

1 gram of protein is 4 calories. 一克蛋白质4卡路里

1 gram of carbs is 4 calories. 1克碳水4卡路里

1 gram of fat is 9 calories. 1克脂肪9卡路里

We can eat whatever foods we want as long aswe hit your macros. While eating like this I recommend eating mostlywhole-nutritious foods (75%) to fit our macros and eating the rest (25%) ofwhatever we like. Eat vegetables or supplement with vegan caps daily.


In conclusion: 再次总结:

This guide will simply help you to lose thefat, but if you want to keep it off you have to lose the brain fat. I never give out weight loss advice until I know the person is mentally ready. With that said, this is a basic guideline that will get you on the right path. The first few days will be brutal, and you must be like a strongly built shed in the wind, that is to stand firm but have a little give in you.


You cannot be so rigid when you are attempting this. Some days you are going to fail miserably. That is no reasonto throw your hands up and quit. This is actually a good thing because it keepsthe body guessing. When the body is put in a position where one day you arebelow caloric deficit and fasting, to the next day you eat a donut right whenyou wake up and go over caloric maintenance, which just means when you cut the next day the fat will pour off of you.


I hope you can see that losing weight is notsome excruciating task that takes all your will power, you can lose 100 poundseating donuts and calzones like me and so many of my clients have. If you’renot enjoying it, you’re doing it wrong. Losing the weight in an enjoyablemanner is what it is all about, how do you expect to stay lean when you lostthe weight doing something you hate? This is long haul, end game thinking.




Jay Seo 2 votes ShowI’ve followed this guide for 3 weeks so far and already noticed huge burstof energy, less lethargy, less hungry, and improved mood stability. I can’thandle just protein shake after 16 hour fast so I supplement it with a can oftuna or sardines mixed with chili paste. I got 50 lbs to lose. Sometimes I readthis guide multiple times a week to keep me going. Thanks Dan!!!!我已经执行这个饮食法三周了,我能感觉到能量的爆发,不再昏昏沉沉,不再饥饿,情绪更加稳定,但是16个小时的间歇性断食,我受不了这个蛋白质奶昔,所以我用金枪鱼和沙丁鱼和辣椒酱代替了,3周我减去了50磅,我每周看好几次这个饮食法,好让我能坚持下去,感谢你,亲爱的丹丹。
Fabienne van den Kieboom 7 votes  ShowI strongly believe in Intermittent Fasting for quite sometime and to stumble upon your answer on Quora and see the amazing results is very satisfying.I must say you look great! That transformation is quitespectacular, it’s like two different people. And it only took you 4 months,respect!I just can’t say it enough:Strength training + Int.Fasting = KINGPeople need to start realizing that hours and hours of cardio is just amore time consuming way to cut calories which you could also do by simplyeating 20–25% less calories a day compared to the amount of calories you needfor maintenance. And the time they reserve for working out, they should investit in strength training workouts with emphasis on compound exercises formaximum release of (fat killing) hormones.我一直都支持间歇性轻断食,我给你在quora上的回答点个zan,这样的回答真心让我满意,我想说,现在的你看起来真帅,你的变化太惊人了,看起来完全判若两人,且只花了四个月,真心佩服。这话我宁愿说一百遍:力量训练+间歇性断食=王道可怜的愚民必须认识到,长时间的有氧运动真是非常浪费时间,你完全可以少吃20-25%左右就可以达到和长时间有氧一样的效果,如果他们利用有氧运动的时间来做各种力量训练组合的话,身体就能最大限度的释放燃脂激素。
Stephen Anderson1 vote by Ralph GottliebSo are you not worried about diabetes? Because consistently fastingfollowed by carb binging is basically a one way ticket to diabetes land.Re: Dan Hensley 3 votes ShowThis is not true. Diabetes is caused by insulin insensitivity.This occurswhen your muscles glycogen levels are full, yet if the person keeps eatingcarbs the excess glucose will no longer be converted into glycogen for themuscles or liver, it will be stored as fat. This is the road to diabetes.What I did was fast, making me insulin sensitive then working out in afasted/semi-fasted state, which makes me even more insulin sensitive. In short,this peaks my glycogen uptake. I strategically timed and ate fast acting carbsin the right quantity, so my muscles absorb all of the glycogen with no spillover, no glucose converts to fat. This is why I am not worried about diabetes.I recommend reading “The warrior diet” by Ori Hofmekler. I am in incrediblehealth and I have literally anti aged from doing this.评论:所以你不担心糖尿病,这间歇性轻断食然后再大量摄入碳水,分分钟送你搭上得糖尿病的快船(记得前一篇里,有人在知乎里有这样的评论)丹的回答:才不是捏,糖尿病是因为胰岛素抵抗(不敏感)造成的,当你的肌肉中的糖原水平是充足的时候才会有问题,如果你摄入碳水超过糖原,不再为肌肉或者肝脏转化为糖原,他们将会储存为脂肪,这才是前往糖尿病的路。我是先执行轻断食,让身体胰岛素非常敏感,然后再在断食期间做力量训练,再次提高胰岛素的敏感度,总之,这样会让糖原的消耗达到顶峰,然后,战略性的,在合适的时间,快速摄入适量的碳水,所有我的肌肉吸收所有的糖原,不会有剩余任何糖分转化为脂肪,这是我为什么不担心糖尿病的原因,我推荐你们去看看Ori Hofmekler的那本书,《the warrior diet 勇士饮食法》,我现在非常健康,也变得越来越年轻了。


















